Monday, July 28, 2008

In the Interim

It's been a month since I've last posted, and I kept putting off posting something new, or for that matter, checking my analytics page. But I finally did muster up the courage to peek in, and what I saw touched me. Two hundred visits in the last month with virtually no activity of mine showed that there are people reading this stuff. Keep clicking, this blog has re-awoken! (Also, Keep an eye out for a new guest-editor =D )

Why was I near-dead in the last month? Anna University decided to nuke me.


Unknown said...

WEll!!!as far as d anna university is concerned,i guz it did NUKE a hella lotta people.But,C'mon dude,u mustn't have been bothered by that!!!

Amog Rajenderan said...

You have no idea what AnnaU can do to your mind.

Pure evil.

Deepak Ravindran said...

anna university is evil to the core

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