Monday, July 28, 2008

All your article are belong to us.

Google's knol is here, and according to it's founder:

Hmmm. Really? Now what is usually the second result to almost every Google search? Yep. A Wikipedia result. Google giving out a message here?

I know I, as a Google fan should be jumping up and down with joy, beating myself silly over a new Google product release, but I just can't stomach a rival to the worlds greatest open knowledge movement. Q and A session?

1."Why can't knol ever beat the 'pedia?"

  • Most knols are written by a single author.
  • Most knols will be non-changeable by the public.
2."What's wrong with this?"
  • Knol articles are views of it's main author ( This encourages article ownership )
  • Google defines Knol as a "unit of knowledge". Stress on 'unit'.
  • Wikipedia is a community project
  • Wikipedia articles are written collectively under a "neutral point of view" policy
3."Community Project, huh? Then most people can edit it to whatever they want !"

  • No. There is a dedicated team of volunteers who scrutinize every change made to the project. And I mean every change.
  • All unscrupulous, unsourced edits are reverted almost immediately.
4."How do you know so much?"
  • I'm part of that group of volunteers.
Knol vs Wiki? Wikipedia says, " All your article are belong to us :) "
Something more? Wikipedia has an article on Knol. Ironic isn't it?


Deepak Ravindran said...

Knol is currently empty. There are hardly any articles even on popular topics.

Amog Rajenderan said...

Know whats even more ironic?

Type knol into the Firefox URL bar, and it takes you to the Wikipedia page XD.

inthistogether said...

"All your article are belong to us."

GOOD GRIEF!! Doesn't anyone speak proper English anymore???

Amog Rajenderan said...


Take a look at the link at the bottom of the article before jumping to conclusions. It isn't becoming :)

புருனோ Bruno said...

inthistogether said...

The reiteration of someone else's stupidity is unbecoming

Amog Rajenderan said...


Unless the stupidity becomes iconic.

inthistogether said...

Yes I followed the history and I do now understand the (ir)relevance of the statement.

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