Monday, May 12, 2008

What is your carbon shoe size?

Remember that post about a certain search engine trying to go black green? Well, here's a little video on what Greenpeace feels about some well known semiconductor devices.

Surprised? Check out this little graph where Greenpeace rates these MNc's according to their social responsibility.

Want to do your part? Reduce, Re-use, Recycle! And, if you can afford it, newer technology also reduces the tech-eco impact. Studies show that LCD's, Dual-cores and DDR3 RAM consume lesser power than their older counterparts (CRT's, p4's, and the DDR2).

As a die-hard FF fan, I couldn't resist making a gimped earth-themed fox :)

Treat the earth nice, or it could end up like this.
(yes,that is the moon,but it could show us what another half-century of global warming can do)
And that, is the not-so-convenient truth.

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